Monday, February 16, 2009

Holidays in Málaga

Yolanda: Hi, Lidia. How was your holiday? Did you have a good time?
Lidia: Yes, thanks. Incredibole
Yolanda: Where did you go?
Lidia: I went to Malaga with my brother and my grand mother.
Yolanda: Really? That's fantastic. Did you buy any sovenirs?
Lidia: I bough a shirt. It's cool.
Yolanda: And did you meet anybody?
Lidia: Yes, a very beautiful boy.
Yolanda: Really? Did you go to the beach?
Lidia: Yes, I did. I somentimes went swimming.
Yolanda: Did you take any photos?
Lidia: Yes, I did. It's fantastic!!

3 ESO A.

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