Her name is Anahi Giovanna Puente Portillo. She is 23 years old. Her birthday is 14th May. She is from“Ciudad de Mexico”. She is a Mexican singer.
Her hobbies are playing tennis and listening to music. Her favourite food is sushi. Her favourite drink is water with ice. She has got two dogs, Pancho and Puppy. She's got a car and her favourite colour is blue. She likes wearing her jeans.
She has got a sister. Her name is Marichelo.
She writes interesting songs. She's an actress in“RBD”. She's got 3 CDs in Spanish, 3 CDs in Portuguese and Brasilian and 1 CD in English.
She's beautiful. She's got blue eyes and a pretty nose. She's got long fair hair and t a sexy mouth. She's got a white teeth and small ears.
Lídia Martínez, 1 ESO A
Natalia, Claudia and Laia 1 ESO C